Enterprise-grade web3 infrastructure

Regulated wallet infrastructure for enterprises

Businesses build the future of payments and digital assets on Bastion's regulated infrastructure.

User logged in
Wallet created
  • 90%

    gas cost savings for your business

  • 30-100x

    faster transactions for your users

  • 100%

    built regulation-first, and designed for trust

Meet the
Bastion Platform

Bastion is on a mission to unlock the power of web3 by solving today’s hardest problems in the space — with seamless onboarding, fast and cost-effective user experiences, and actionable insights.
Founded by experts in the web3 space, our platform was built differently from the ground up: We operate with a compliance-first posture, keeping businesses and their users safe as they innovate and grow.

Who builds on

We’re perfect for product teams who are currently working on web3 experiences, including fintechs, neobanks, large financial institutions, and beyond.

Financial institutions

Get digital asset accounting at scale through our wallet management, transaction orchestration, and ledgering with built-in reconciliation — all while maintaining trust and compliance.

Loyalty programs

Reduce costs and increase transaction speeds to a degree no other platform can. Delight customers with loyalty experiences that feel just like web2, and deliver the benefits of digital asset ownership, integration across ecosystems, and more.


Onboard users to web3 in an invisible way, and enable transactions in less than 100ms with zero gas costs, ensuring gameplay remains responsive and engaging.

Social networks

Build more engaging experiences, ensure instant, gas-free interactions at scale, and deliver easier onboarding to web3 — regardless of whether you’re building decentralized social features, creator economies, or NFT-based communities.
Not sure if we’re right for you?
Connect with our founders and team.

Regulated Wallet API

Free wallet creation.
Seamless onboarding.

Attract users with an onboarding experience that feels just like web2. With Bastion’s regulated platform behind you, you can build securely, choose whether you want custodial solutions or on-premises key custody — and enjoy free wallet creation. 

Regulated wallet APIs

Get effortless and secure web3 onboarding, compatibility with any authentication method or device, and free wallet creation.

Flexible custody solutions

Choose our regulated offering, or maintain full custody of digital assets — designed especially for financial institutions.

Easy-to-implement backend wallets

Streamline rewards, loyalty programs, and robust wallets in CI/CD, along with optimal performance and gas cost efficiency — all through our user-friendly REST APIs.

Transactions with gas sponsorship

Remove the stress around complex gas fee management and funding, both for users and operations teams.

Optimized batched transactions

Enjoy cheaper and faster blockchain interactions.

Support across experiences

Ensure functionality at every step, whether you need to mint NFTs, transfer tokens, lock collectibles, issue loyalty rewards or additional innovations.

Smart Transaction Routing

Lightning-fast, cost-effective transactions

Take advantage of the fastest and most cost-effective interactions with the world’s first Smart Transaction Routing system. We’re the only solution that automatically determines when to leverage the blockchain and when to avoid it across all transactions, so you can keep latency and fees down.

And it goes beyond wallets: Smart Transaction Routing includes a highly scalable ledger to speed up the time-to-market for central exchanges, trading platforms, and investment products.
Cost savings calculator
See how much you could save on gas fees with Bastion.
Your savings on Bastion

Insights Manager

Better decisions
start with data

Get a competitive edge by seeing what’s working and what needs improvement with Insights Manager. With on- and off-chain user analytics, you’ll see holistic user engagement, track and retarget users, and get all the data you need to make better decisions.

Insights Manager also gives compliance and risk management teams the right visibility into platform activity, so they can take action and keep their businesses and users safe.
Insights Manager
Be the first to know when Insights Manager is live
User activity

The benefits of a licensed wallet provider

Choosing a regulation-first provider like Bastion comes with major advantages.
Legally approved to engage in financial activity (including cryptocurrencies)
Cybersecurity standards and requirements
Protection against sanctions violations
Third-party audit requirements
Insurance protecting customer assets

Get the latest insights

Stay on top of Bastion news, and see how our team thinks about building better web3 experiences today and into the future.

The future of web3 starts here

Create better experiences with Bastion’s regulated web3 platform, starting with free wallet creation. We can’t wait to build big things together.